Complementary Products

Complementary Products


Sole, which is produced in 4 different shapes and sizes, will bring energy in the environment where it is located with colorful options. It will stay with you for many years with its solid metal foot structure...

Gito Max

Gito Product Group offers variable solutions according to the needs in office and social areas as well as a harmony appealing to the eyes

Gito Max

Colorful functionality... Options that you can color according to your taste, yet the same comfort...

Gito - Coffee Tables

Gito coffee table family has a practical design that enhances the aesthetic feeling with...

Link - Coffee Tables

Unraveling the perfect harmony of wood and metal, Link is the perfect choice to add a cordial and natural mood to the offices or waiting spaces. In addition, thanks to its simple lines, Link adapts to various different spaces.

Kula - Coffee Tables

With its wooden texture, Kula has a very stylish yet simple look. Its rounded lines...

Sal - Coffee Tables

It is designed to add an elegant look to the spaces with its meticulous design, delicate but strong lines.

Tav - Coffee Tables

With sharp curved legs that spices up the plain top and different sizes, Tav is ideal for spacious executive offices or large lobbies.

Tin - Coffee Tables

With its elegant and dynamic lines, Tin makes people turn their heads even at the first glance.


With its symmetrical, durable structure and rich color options, the eye-catching new element of fast paced work days

Bari - Pouffes

Suitable and useful in any space with its mobile nature and ergonomic sitting surface, Bari is available in colorful fabric and leather.

Toy - Pouffes

With its modern and extraordinary lines, Toy is ready to cheer up your office environment.

Zen - Pouffes

With its round lines and simple design, Zen pouffe is ideal for creating comfortable resting spaces in offices or waiting halls.

Combo - Pouffes

Combo pouffes

Level - Pouffes

Level pouffes

Otto - Pouffe

Otto pouffes

Lito - Hangers

Adding an aesthetic touch while meeting the needs of the new generation offices, Lito draws attention with its appearance of colorful design combined with solid wood besides its functionality